Monday, June 30, 2008

Savannah gives a report!

Let me introduce myself. I am Savanna, Sammy Anne’s foster sister. I am a Pointer, and I am The Queen. I have another sister who is a Setter, and I have hosted other Setters as fosters, so you see, I know a little something about Setters.

If you are looking for a kind and gentle Setter soul, to join your family, you should really look at Sammy Anne. She is a really nice girl. She walks so nicely on the leash that she makes me look like a bad dog. But I can’t get mad at her, because she is so sweet. Sammy and I have a pact when we go for walks. We walk together, and we leave my other sister on the other side of our Mom. But Sammy is not a snob (and neither am I). She plays a lot with my other sister. My other sister used to be almost blind, before she had an operation, and she was very crabby. But Sammy was nice to her, and played with her anyway. Sammy is even more patient with my other sister than I am!

Sammy has been getting prettier and prettier as she has gotten healthy. In fact, her fur is as luxurious as my other sister’s fur. My fur, of course, is Pointer fur, so it’s different. Now that Sammy Anne has gotten less skinny, and her fur is so nice, she looks a LOT like my sister. In fact, they look so much alike, sometimes I have to sniff them to be sure which one is which! But they don’t act alike, so it’s not too hard to tell. Sammy is the one that takes treats gently.

Sammy Anne really loves kids! I do, too, so when we are on walks, we always ask Mom if we can go see kids. Sammy loves kids even more than I do. My Mom says that she thinks that Sammy would be good at something called Therapy Dog. My Mom also says that Sammy could go into the schools and help kids read. I’m not sure what she means, because although I think Sammy is great, I don’t think she can read. But my Mom says that there is a special program where the kids read to the dog. I think that Sammy and I might both like that. Sammy would be really good at it, because she likes to lie down on soft things and listen.

Sammy does something my Mom thinks is really cute. She takes stuffed toys out into the yard. I’m too anxious to get out into the yard to think of toys. But Sammy will go choose a toy, and if she can’t decide on just one, she will bring two, or sometimes even three, all in her mouth at once! Then she runs around the yard, pretending that the toys are birds in her mouth! I never thought of a game like that!

Sammy has a quiet, gentle personality, but she can whoop it up when she wants to! She helps us alert Mom to other dogs on the street, and to strangers going by the house. And when she’s having fun in the yard, sometimes she barks then, too. She helps me patrol the yard for squirrels, and helps me watch for them on our walks in the neighborhood, too. She’s pretty birdy, and she’s got me thinking about birds a lot more, too. She even CAUGHT one once. I guess all that pretending with the stuffed toys pays off!

Sammy is very good to our cats, so if you have cats, I think you can count on Sammy to be good.

We love Sammy Anne, but we know that there is a REAL, FOREVER home out there for her. As good as our home is as foster home, we know that there is someplace even better out there for her. Don’t hesitate, now that our pretty foster sister is healthy, she will get adopted soon!

Respectfully submitted,


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