Saturday, March 22, 2008

First Report from Sammy Anne's new foster mom

Sammy was still not feeling well when she first came here, and it was
so so cold out. The house had a chill the way houses get when it's
well below zero. She appreciated the extra blanket on top of her. I
don't think she would want that blanket now!

She is doing very well. We have been doing lots of walking, and she
walks well on the leash - except when she stops dead in front of my
feet. I have nearly run her over many times! She loves to walk in
front with Savanna, and is happy to get in the middle, in between the
other dogs. A couple of days ago, we went for a walk with Ariel's new
family. Sammy inserted herself between Ariel and her new sister Lily,
with no regard to who had what leash. She said, "I like being in the

She likes to play with Caleigh in the yard, which is really nice for
Caleigh, who is getting more and more handicapped by her eyesight.
They are just the same height, and they are very cute together. I'll
try to get pics of that.

Sometimes she sleeps on the bed, but mostly she sleeps on the dog bed
in the bedroom. She's smart. One day Caleigh was on the dog bed, and
Sammy made a big show of wanting to get up onto the bed. Caleigh got
jealous, and jumped up onto the bed. Sammy immediately lost interest
in getting onto the bed, and settled into the place Caleigh had just
vacated. She knew exactly how to get Caleigh out of her bed!

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